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--VADACTRO Support--

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--VADACTRO Support--
On 6/1/21, 11:26 AM

Release Notes

Release Tag: VDCLOUD_REL_9.0.0.20210530
Release Date: 30 May 2021

1. What's new:

    A. Migration to Mobile Friendly New User Interface: https://vdcloud.slbus.in to address current and future use cases.
    B.Introduced Service Desk: https://vdcloud.slbus.in/requests to manage smoother customer support.
    C. Control Server: https://oath2.vadactro.org.in
    • Cloud Login Security enhancement: e-mail based authentication implemented.
    • Multiple users can be associated to access the same installation (independent access for family members through their individual login accounts).
    D. Customers Registration Server: https://customers.vadactro.org.in
    • Independent Account for each System Integrator to be requested online.
    • Multiple system integrators can support the same customer.
    • Email notifications to the customer and administrator for registering UUID, or deleting UUID from the customer account.
    • Secured Administration: OTP-based System Integrator Authorization by the customer.
    • Privacy protection: Customer can create their own account.

    E. DLM Server: https://dlm.vadactro.org.in
    • Licenses purchased by the company will be accessed by all company DLM users associated with the company for grant access API through their independent accounts.

2. Bug Fixes:

    A. Short Login names deprecated: Only email id will be used for a sign-in process for all servers, earlier supported short name login method will be phased out in the next release.
    B. Licensing Server is fully automated and interfaced with ERP for DLM and Production Licenses procurement, usage and consumption management, only fully paid licenses will be available for the usage.

3. Known Issues:

    A. Generating a new DLM Access token is done through the Company Administrator login account requesting VADACTRO through the service desk.
    B. For DLM Server only, login is possible with email id (new) as well as short username (old - to be deprecated later). This is offered as backward compatibility for dependent deployed applications. For all new development only email ids to be used.

Your feedback is valuable to us.
Please report us the release issues on any of the below channels:
   -- Submit a Ticket [For General User]
   -- Bugzilla [For SL-BUS Technology Alliance Members]
   -- WhatsApp [Quick First Aid Support]: +91 9588624927
   -- Email Contact [For any support]: support@vadactro.org.in

VADACTRO Development & Validation Team

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Asked: 5/19/21, 11:25 AM
Seen: 465 times
Last updated: 6/1/21, 11:26 AM