VADACTRO Founder & CTO Awarded PhD
9th Dec: PhD Awarded
For Design & Development of Smart Embedded Control Systems for Power Conservation
14th Dec: National Energy Conservation Day
Aims to spread awareness about the importance of Energy efficiency and Conservation
16th Dec: Golden Birthday Year!!
Team VADACTRO congratulates for his great achievement at finiest moment of his life, he is turning 50
A doctorate comes with a great deal of respect from everybody, the respect you have rightfully earned. Congratulations! on your PhD awarded by the Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Maharashtra (India) for his work “Design & Development of Smart Embedded Control Systems for Power Conservation”

A Years of hard work and dedication has finally resulted in the most significant fruit you have ever wanted.
2011 Nov: Passed Pre-PhD Certification
2013 Jan: Applied for PhD Registration
2014 June: Revised Synopsis Requested
2014 July: Revised Synopsis Submitted
2014 Nov: PhD Proposal Accepted
2019 July: PhD Thesis Submission
2021 Dec 4: Viva Voce Scheduled
2021 Dec 12: Notification Released by the University
Below preface captured from his thesis, provides some inside information about the research story.
From Author of Thesis: Design And Development of Smart Embedded Control Systems For Power Conservation.
Being a born Indian national, I am an evidence for the energy crises in the country right from my childhood. I grew up in the rural part of India. Forty years before, the scene was completely different than today. I don't say I am a sufferer but I feel fortunate to learn and value the importance of energy in my life.
Being gown up in a united family, having a family business related to electricals and audio electronics, the concepts for electronics and electrical were clear to me from my childhood. Fortunately, it became my education, then hobby and latter profession and thereafter I grew up as an embedded technology expert in the industry and achieved my level best happiness and experience working on diversified but related core technologies for end-to-end product design and development.
I spent most of my life within country (India), since travelling is my hobby, I travelled a lot internationally and within country as well - mostly by roads. While travelling, working with colleagues, discussing with friends, listening through forums within society, I experienced pleasure and pain points of growing economy, I firstly enjoyed pains of unavailability of enough amount of electrical energy and now experiencing again a pain of side effects of increased energy demands. In the mean time I don’t remember that I have gone through a very comfortable stage of my life with energy.
My own interests and sense of responsibility to do level best to reduce the impact of the energy issues (over usage as well as unavailability of enough energy) triggered me to study further in this segment. I started my study in this direction and picked up all possible opportunities to learn more about the problem statement and tried to discover, design and implement possible solutions to these problems.
Finally I got an opportunity to cultivate my learnings in the form of this thesis through this PhD program. I started my research activity in 2013 and now it’s at the completion, over a period I put my all efforts with the help of my all collaborators. This research activity started with a problem statement of study of smart embedded system concepts, more prominently to apply for energy conservation. Over a period of years, it ended with a technology innovation to address the problem.
- Prafulla Wadaskar (Researcher)
Checkout the congratulating quotes from the industry for his achievement
"Congratulations to Dr.Prafulla Wadaskar.
The Indian Society of Lighting Engineers is proud to know that our Chairman of Pune Local Centre Prafulla Wadaskar is awarded the Ph.D degree.
We are sure that he will have many more laurels in the years to come and ISLE wishes him all the best"
Dilip Kumbhat, President, ISLE

"Not only do we regard Prafulla as a respected high expert in the field of smart technologies but he is also a true gentleman and friend. He makes our visits to Pune enjoyable and he helps us fall in love with India and its many wonders every time we visit"
— Chris Pinder and Dillan Pattni, Founders of UK SmartHome Tech Company .

"मुझे यह जानकर अत्यंत प्रसन्नता हुए कि श्री प्रफुल्ल वाडसकर को संत गाडगे बाबा विश्वविद्यालय, अमरावती द्वारा सम्मानित पी.एच.डी. प्रदान की गई है I
मेरी हार्दिक बधाई एवं शुभ कामनाएं प्रेषित हैं I"
गवर्निंग बॉडी सदस्य एवं निदेशक : शिक्षण एवं प्रशिक्षण
इंडियन सोसाइटी ऑफ़ लाइटिंग इंजिनीयर्स
"It has been a long association of 25+ years with Prafulla both personally and professionally.
Have seen the hard efforts that he put to reach the present status. Hearty congratulations for a well deserved doctorate. Best Wishes to him and all his ventures. He is one of the great unsung stars of India who has created genuine made in India Technology and Products. He has provided employment opportunities to several deserving candidates. God Bless Him and Give him Strength to achieve many more milestones"